Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend

So I guess I am not the greatest blogger since it's been quite a while since I've posted anything.Sorry! I really didn't feel like anything that exciting happened to me. I mean I just don't know how interesting it is to talk about how I nurse Ashtyn every three-four hours, change diapers about every two, and play cars with Joshua several times a day! lol. But here is a quick update on what's been going on at the Barkley casa. (So I said QUICK--- the stupid photo uploader is taking FOREVER!!--- no wonder I don't do this very often. Something must be wrong--it's seriously taken like 2 hours!! ahhh...i DO NOT have this kind of time!) Anyways....

JP went to Augusta, Georgia with my dad and 2 of our brothers-in-law, Mark and Zack, last weekend. My sweet Daddy asked us girls for permission to take our hubbies away on Valentine's day. We, of course, said it was fine. I mean, they were going to be back around 5 pm anyway so it's not like we would miss it all together. And plus it is pretty amazing what they got to do there anyway. They got to play Augusta National, the golf course where the Masters is held! My Dad has recently been inducted into the "club" which is pretty crazy! I think there are only 300-some odd members EVER to have been in the club. It's like a secret society or fraternity or something!  I believe his connection to Arnold Palmer, a fellow member, kinda started the whole process of him being "chosen." So anywho, that was a pretty special experience for John Paul! 

The kids and I missed him and were very excited to see him that evening. We decided to go out to eat but somewhere quick that wouldn't be too busy. So Corner Bakery it was and it was awesome! Here are some pics of our first Valentine's day as a family of four! 

Sorry Daddy, we have no pictures of you! You were a great photographer though. =) 

So what else is new with us? Let's see... hmmm... I know! Joshua always says the phrase I just typed. It is adorable! He puts his little finger to his mouth and says "Let's see...hmmm..." and then smiles real big and puts his finger in the air and says "I know!" His vocabulary is growing so fast these days. It is crazy how he is getting so big. I love him so much! My sweet little fella!

And then the Little Miss is doing a lot these days as well. Besides not sleeping through the night quite yet (grrr), she is sitting up on her own, rolling all over the place, and smiling and laughing a ton. She really is such a joy to have around. She is so sweet and calm and peaceful and happy. Joshua loves that she can sit on the floor now and play with him. He is soooo sweet to her. I love to see him love her already. I pray that they grow up the best of friends! Here are some fun pictures of them playing the other night...

You can tell they both like to ham it up for the camera. I feel so blessed to have such a sweet family! Thank you Jesus!

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